Home I trotted, head hung low, not feeling the customary boost I get after a do. On the net I went, to research what could be done to save my barnet from the ravages I had obviously been putting it through. Going back to my original colour, not an option. It's naturally a redish, blondish, brownish non-descriptive colour, which just does not flatter me at all. After hours on the net looking at various sites, reviews and claims, I came to the conclusion that an oil was needed. The claims are that the right oil can reinforce the strength of hair without weighing it down or making it greasy. Good! Since mine is very fine and gets a little greasy with the wrong product, this sounded like just the ticket. I researched further... the most talked about seem to be Moroccan oil and Macadamia nut oil. Could this be the answer? I found companies that supplied and decided to try the latter, decision made on the fact they had a smaller bottle for less money, I could try for £5.
On Monday morning the bell rang and I spied my post lady standing outside with a small package, hurrah! My Macadamia oil had arrived. Excitedly, I trundled back inside and hopped straight into the shower. Following the advice I had read, I applied the smallest amount to towel dried, conditioned hair, then blow dried roughly. The company claims using this can reduce drying time by 40 to 50%. I have to admit I did not notice this. However, I did notice how much softer my hair was that first day and without a hint of greasy residue. The next day, again no greasiness, in fact I would go so far as to say it looked less flat/greasy on day 2 than normal. On day 3 I washed again and this time thought I would try things a little differently. I had read a tip, which recommended mixing the oil with a leave in cream like Redken anti-snap and then blow drying, finally a tiny amount of oil again as a finishing serum. Again, I roughly blow dried on this occasion, but not completely. I even left my hair down without styling and honestly, there was no frizz, how bazaar!
This time the feel of my hair was even softer and it's so much more manageable than usual. I think I'm on to something here. I've read that it continues to improve the condition and strengthen the hair. A good tip is adding some to hair just before colouring, the idea being when the chemicals open the hair shaft the oil is absorbed even more deeply and so conditions profoundly, therefore extending colour life. We'll see if that works.
In conclusion, I have to say, I love it. I will most definitely be purchasing the larger sized bottle next time and have already recommended it to a friend, who unlike me has curly hair. It's supposed to be particularly good for curls or waves, but I can say on my straightish with kinks galore mop, it has worked wonders in just a few days and I am confident the hairdresser's going to be aghast with awe when she sees it in 2 months. Result!
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